This week, a dangerous vulnerability called HeartBleed has come to light. We take this issue very seriously and have taken steps to ensure the safety of your information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What actions did CCCS take to determine its exposure to the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability?
A: We immediately initiated an assessment of all SSL sites.
Q: How did CCCS test whether sites were susceptible to the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability?
A: We scanned all of our sites for vulnerability and infiltration.
Q: Did CCCS find any sites compromised by the Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability?
A: None of our sites were compromised by the Heartbleed vulnerability.
Q: What actions is CCCS taking to address sites to ensure they won’t be affected by the Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability?
A: To ensure there will be no compromised information as a result of the Heartbleed vulnerability, we scan our sites continually and have increased the security of our SSL certificates. |
Debt Management Plan (DMP) Statement
If you're a DMP participant, you can view your recent monthly statement by
clicking below and entering your client number and password. These can be
found on your printed statement or introductory packet, or call 415-788-0288
and speak with one of our customer service representatives. For a written copy of your statement, please call, write or email us.

Update Your Balance
Use the Balance Update Form to securely update the balances of your accounts listed on the DMP.
Electronic Deposit Service (EDS) Form
EDS is a convenient automatic way to make your monthly DMP deposit. When you sign up for EDS, your monthly deposit to CCCS is automatically debited via electronic transfer from your checking or savings account on the debit date of your choice.
Increase Your EDS Deposit
Use the EDS Increase Form to securely increase your current EDS Debt Management Plan deposit.
Change Your Personal Information
Use the secure Personal Information Change Form to update your personal information such as address, phone, email.
Online Worksheet
Use the online worksheet to get your counseling started right away. |